Why was Mockingjay banned?

The reason for this stated: “They were banned due to insensitivity, offensive language, violence, anti-family, anti-ethic and occult/satanic.” In 2014, the novel was also banned for reasons of inserted religious perspective.

What happened to Katniss in Mockingjay Part 1?

Later in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1, Katniss shoots down aircraft attacking a District hospital while filming a propaganda video, and her furious response to Snow is captured on-camera.

Is Katniss wearing a wig in Mockingjay Part 1?

Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss Wig Was Stolen! The natural blonde had to wear a brunette wig in the final two installments of the franchise due to hair damage after dying her tresses for the first two films. It turned out that one of her castmates was all about Katniss’ wig, too.

Did Katniss and Peeta sleep together in the book?

The two don’t have sex on screen. It’s only implied that they get it on via snuggling and other affectionate acts in close quarters — but if you have read the book, they really imply that they took their relationship to the next level. Plus, in the epilogue, they have two kids.

Is The Hunger Games still banned?

The Hunger Games has been “banned due to insensitivity, offensive language, anti-family, anti-ethic, and occult”, and in 2014 “inserted religious views” was added to that list. … For those who have read the book, you would notice that family is a large part of the book.

Is Hunger Games ok for 11 year old?

The book is rated by Scholastic as grade 5.3 and for ages 11-13. Parents’ concerns about The Hunger Games center around violence. … The book has a powerful anti-violence and anti-war message. And unlike cartoons and video games, the violence in Hunger Games has emotional and physical consequences.

Who killed prim?

His military role allowed him to draw up plans when it came to attacks, but he wasn’t the only one to strategize the bombings used on the Capitol. Beetee (Jeffrey Wright) also assisted in those plans, making him just as responsible for Prim’s death as Gale.

Who does Gale end up with?


Not being able to forgive Gale, Katniss returned to District 12 where she reunited with Peeta. The two supported each other in the recovery process before starting a family. While some considered Peeta the “safe choice,” it actually made sense why the protagonist ended up with him.

Did Jennifer Lawrence wear a wig as Katniss?

Jennifer Lawrence, who impersonates the brave and gorgeous Katniss Everndeen, in the last Hunger Games movie, is wearing a wig. For the first few movies in the saga she had to dye black her otherwise blond hair, in order to gain a tougher appearance.

Is Haymitch’s hair a wig?

She’s one of those people who’s so completely and purposefully put together that her wig would be an accessory just like a purse or a pair of shoes. So she has three wigs in the movie, and we’re going to have more for her in the next movie. She wears three different looks, and they’re all the same shape.

When did Katniss get pregnant?

In Catching Fire, Peeta lied about Katniss being pregnant to try to protect her from the Games. Katniss said that she miscarried due to an electric shock in the arena. However, during the 15 years after the events of Mockingjay, Katniss became pregnant legitimately.

Did Finnick know Annie was pregnant?

No, in the books and in the movies, Annie and Finnick’s son remains nameless. … Finnick, for his part, never knew that Annie was pregnant in the first place, and all we see of the boy is when Annie sends Katniss and Peeta a picture of their son, and they put it in their memory book.

Where is Harry Potter banned?

the United Arab Emirates

Islam. The Harry Potter books were banned in schools across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2007. According to a spokesman from the education ministry of the UAE government, the books’ fantasy and magic elements were contrary to Islamic values.

Should I let my 11 year old read Twilight?

First, it depends on the maturity of the child for Twilight and New Moon. I would say as young as 10 for those kids. Eclipse is still fine for anyone over the age of 12, but Breaking Dawn is for a more young adult audience, like 14-15 in my opinion. But it all has to do with the child’s maturity.

Who was the youngest person to win The Hunger Games?


Biography. During the 65th Hunger Games, Finnick was mentored by a previous District 4 victor, Mags Flanagan (winner of the 11th Hunger Games), and won the competition at age 14, making him the youngest victor in history.

Did Gale really love Katniss?

He is fiercely devoted to his family and to Katniss and is a true rebel and visionary at heart. He is in love with Katniss and is forced to watch as she volunteers for the 74th Hunger Games in the place of her sister and fakes a romance with Peeta Mellark in order to stay alive.

What did Gale do prim?

She sought revenge. Gale devised the double-bombing strategy used against the Capitol, but he didn’t plant the devices or give the orders for their detonation. He may have been responsible in part, but he’s part of a network of strategists and soldiers who crafted District 13’s offensive against the Capitol.

What is the black stuff in Mockingjay?

What’s the black liquid that erupts from the pod in the courtyard? Black, oily matter spouts like a geyser from the street, billowing between the buildings, creating an impenetrable wall of darkness. It seems to be neither liquid nor gas, mechanical nor natural. So it’s a tarlike substance designed to drown people.

Who is the avox Katniss knows?


Lavinia was an Avox girl who worked as a Capitol servant for Katniss throughout the 74th and 75th Hunger Games. Throughout The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, she is known simply as the “Avox girl”. Her name was revealed in Mockingjay, when Peeta recounted his experience in Capitol imprisonment.

Did Woody Harrelson wear a wig in Hunger Games?

Woody Harrelson’s wig was inspired by one of his brother’s hairstyles. Woody really loved his hairstyle and wig because it looked like it belonged on him.