Why is The Hurt Locker so good?

The film is riveting, maintaining the one quality that all good war movies must possess – capturing the heroism of the average soldier while facing the nightmares of war. “The Hurt Locker” is devoid of the glamorization of the post-World War II films and has none of the anti-war messages of the post-Vietnam War movies.

Is The Hurt Locker accurate?

But The Hurt Locker isn’t really like any of these. Although inspired by the reportage of an embedded journalist, it doesn’t purport to be a true story. It doesn’t explicitly engage with the geopolitics of Iraq. And it doesn’t claim to be an authentic portrayal of the reality of bomb disposal.

How does The Hurt Locker end?

Like happy endings, do you? Well, sorry—your princess is in another castle. Will makes it back to his family safe and sound, but then he apparently volunteers to go right back. The fact is, he has decided that the only thing he loves in this world is dismantling his bombs.

What is the theme of The Hurt Locker?

This is an action film with distinctly drawn characters, rendered convincingly by three unknowns. The themes—war’s attractive and destructive power; the thin line between comradeship and antagonism; the foot soldier’s very narrow, very intense view—are not particular to Iraq, but universal.

Is Hurt Locker anti war?

It’s not anti-war at all. The film cowardly attempted to sidestep the politics of a war and occupation that are entirely political. Even worse, it tried to put a “human face” on the brutal occupation in which over 1 million Iraqis have been slaughtered.

Why is hurt locker called Hurt Locker?

Where does hurt locker come from? Hurt locker comes from US military slang. It first emerged during the Vietnam War. … The phrase was given a particular boost as the title of the 2008 film, Hurt Locker, which was about an army bomb squad.

Who died at the beginning of hurt locker?

William James

In 2004, Sergeant First Class William James arrives as the new team leader of a U.S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit in the Iraq War. He replaces Staff Sergeant Matthew Thompson, who was killed by an improvised explosive device (IED) in Baghdad. His team includes Sergeant J. T.

Who died in Hurt Locker?

The men prove to be British mercenaries transporting two Iraqi prisoners, and their vehicle has a flat tire. The EOD team stops to help, but the group comes under attack, and several of the mercenaries, including the British leader (Ralph Fiennes), are killed before the EOD team members spot and kill the attackers.

Where did they film Hurt Locker?


The Hurt Locker was written by journalist Mark Boal and drew on his experiences while embedded with a bomb squad in Iraq. Director Kathryn Bigelow shot the film on location in Jordan, near the border with Iraq, and she used lesser known actors to increase the sense of realism.

Is there a sequel to The Hurt Locker?

The ‘Forrest Gump’ actor has been confirmed by producer Charles Roven to be appearing in the film, a follow-up to Kathryn Bigelow’s Oscar winning movie ‘The Hurt Locker’.

What does the title Hurt Locker mean?

deep pain and discomfort

Hurt locker is a slang term for a place of deep pain and discomfort. To be put in the hurt locker signifies that something profoundly troubling or painful has happened to you.

Is The Hurt Locker political?

The lead character is a gung-ho American soldier. But it is not overtly critical. It has taken a political issue and turned it into a very contemporary take on a genre film,” Boyd said. U.S.

Who dies in Hurt Locker?

The men prove to be British mercenaries transporting two Iraqi prisoners, and their vehicle has a flat tire. The EOD team stops to help, but the group comes under attack, and several of the mercenaries, including the British leader (Ralph Fiennes), are killed before the EOD team members spot and kill the attackers.

Is The Hurt Locker anti war?

It’s not anti-war at all. The film cowardly attempted to sidestep the politics of a war and occupation that are entirely political. Even worse, it tried to put a “human face” on the brutal occupation in which over 1 million Iraqis have been slaughtered.

What happened to Sanborn in The Hurt Locker?

Soon after returning from Iraq, Sanborn was given a battlefield commission for having to put up with so much crap from the EOD techs. It didn’t take long for this motivated soldier to move up the ranks. In fact, he made it to the rank of major within the same year. That’s never happened before.

Is the hurt locker anti war?

It’s not anti-war at all. The film cowardly attempted to sidestep the politics of a war and occupation that are entirely political. Even worse, it tried to put a “human face” on the brutal occupation in which over 1 million Iraqis have been slaughtered.

Is Brad Pitt in Hurt Locker?

The actor creates one of the great screen heavies, a lovably loathsome psycho who gets an agonizing comeuppance at the hands of Brad Pitt, playing the leader of a band of Allied Jewish commandos that terrorizes the enemy, collecting German scalps and carving swastikas into Nazis’ foreheads.

Why is The Hurt Locker hated?

The main reason most military hate The Hurt Locker is because it’s painfully inaccurate, with realism and even common sense thrown totally out the window, while the film was lauded by critics as being a revolution (Best Picture as well).

What is a hurt locker relationship?

Originally, “hurt locker” is a slang term for a place of deep pain, discomfort, or severe injury. In the context of romantic relationships, a “hurt locker” means someone whom you are drawn towards — not because you like them for who they are — but because you want to be them.

Is Hurt Locker Marvel?

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier star Anthony Mackie said he toiled for a long time as an actor, but didn’t reach stardom until his role as a military man in The Hurt Locker launched him into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).