Why did Tom Cruise do Rock of Ages?

Speaking to 24 Frames, Cruise says his decision to join Rock of Ages came from a combination of his wife’s influence and trying to build on his hip-hop work from Tropic Thunder: “I had started dancing because I was inspired by my wife. She kept saying, ‘You’ve got to do a musical sometime,'” Cruise said.

Did Tom Cruise really play guitar in Rock of Ages?

Tom Cruise, The Guitar Star In this movie, Tom Cruise performs Paradise City by Guns N’ Roses amongst other beautiful songs. … Before he got his role in the movie Rock of Ages, he was good at playing air guitar and air drums. According to Tom, he had never played an actual guitar and had to learn how to play one.

Is it Tom Cruise’s real hair in Rock of Ages?

Were Tom’s wigs named? Tom only had a little hairpiece in there! He grew his hair out for the movie.

Does Tom Cruise sing Dead or Alive in Rock of Ages?

Tom Cruise Knows His Vocals. In the hit broadway musical film, Rock of Ages, Tom Cruise thrilled his fans by playing the fictional character, Stacee Jaxx. … He sang some vocally challenging songs like Don’t Stop Believin and classics like Paradise City and Wanted Dead or Alive.

Did they actually sing in Rock of Ages?

All of the actors sing their own parts in the film. Cruise told People Weekly Magazine that he had always wanted to appear in a musical but he found the idea frightening because he was uncertain whether he could actually pull it off.

Does Harrison Ford still have a pilots license?

LOS ANGELES — The Federal Aviation Administration announced on Thursday that it had cleared Harrison Ford to continue flying, after the actor completed remedial training prompted by an incident in April when he had crossed a runway by accident. … Ford has never been shy about admitting to errors.

Is Brad Pitt left-handed?

Brad Pitt is left-handed. This is going by his constant inclusion on internet lists of left-handed celebrities. He shares this feature with his ex-wife Angelina Jolie. Still, the actor’s been signing autographs for fans with his right hand so we can assume that he’s ambidextrous.

Was Albert Einstein left-handed?

The problem is, Einstein’s left-handedness is a myth. … While he was certainly right-handed, autopsies suggest his brain didn’t reflect the typical left-side dominance in language and speech areas. His brain’s hemispheres were more symmetrical—a trait typical of left-handers and the ambidextrous.

Does Harrison Ford own a jet?

The star of Harrison’s hanger is his twin-engine $18.8 million Citation Sovereign jet, which is capable of a 3,200 nautical mile range and a top speed of 525mph – not the Millennium Falcon, but not far off.