What is Mack and Bobbi hiding?

Fitz reveals that Mack put a scanner in the Lola replica that looked for vibranium. May realizes that this is how Bobbi found Fury’s toolbox, which she stole.

Is Agent Mack a hydra?

Mack & Bobbi Aren’t Hydra On ‘Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.,’ But Mack Attacking Hunter Proves Something Is Wrong.

What happened to Mack on shield?

Following Holden Radcliffe’s betrayal on S.H.I.E.L.D., Mackenzie was kidnapped and his mind was put inside the Framework, a virtual reality where he lived a rewritten life with his long dead daughter.

Is Agent Mack dead?

Inescapable. Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie (Simulation) – Devoured by Id Simmons.

Are Mack and Bobbi bad?

Bobbi & Mack’s Secret Bobbi and Mack are not bad guys and Marvel Comics fans can rejoice. … Mack reveals to Hunter that the secret faction he and Bobbi work for is what he believes is the “real S.H.I.E.L.D.” and while for a moment we thought that meant it could be leading to an introduction of S.W.O.R.D.

Who is Bobby and Mack working for?

Stark Enterprises

Now that we know for sure that they aren’t Hydra, the solution is pretty clear: Mack and Bobbi have abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D and are now working for the erstwhile Iron Man at Stark Enterprises.

Is Mack a Ghost Rider?

Mack Has A New Mission On ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ took an artistic turn, with scenes shown twice, once from the POV of characters in the living dimension, and from the POV of those between dimensions. Still, most surprising was that Mack became Ghost Rider on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. — if only for a little while.

Does Coulson get his hand back?

Showdown with Grant Ward Once Ward was dead, Coulson took off his hand and left it next to Ward’s corpse before leaving with Fitz through a portal. Later, Hive was shown to be in control of Ward’s corpse, having taken the prosthetic with it back to Earth.

Is Mack a bad guy in SHIELD?

Bobbi & Mack’s Secret Bobbi and Mack are not bad guys and Marvel Comics fans can rejoice. We already went through one double-cross with Bobbi “Mockingbird” Morse since she was introduced as a SHIELD field agent undercover in Hydra earlier this season.

Does Mack become Nick Fury?

Agents of SHIELD’s finale made clear that Mack Mackenzie is not only still the Director but that he’s fully assumed the role of Marvel TV’s Nick Fury.

Is the real shield bad?

Thankfully, they’re not bad guys, but they do seem to be working for someone who isn’t happy that Coulson is in charge. Mack calls it the “real” SHIELD, formed from the ruins of the old organization, and they’ve got a fancy new logo to prove it. … The organization was formed after the events of The Winter Soldier.

What Mack gave Coulson?

However, since he has SHIELD’s full resources at his disposal, Mack did give Coulson two final gifts: his own LMD remote control and a souped-up new version of Lola, his flying car.

Are Mack’s parents dead?

After all, the Chronicom impersonating John Mackenzie confirmed Mack’s parents are dead, which should have some serious ramifications on Mack’s upbringing. Considering his name is in the title of next week’s episode, though, it looks like the show will explore the fallout of that change.

Does Agent Coulson have any powers?

As an android of sorts, the new LMD Coulson has certain abilities he refers to as “perks,” like heightened reflexes and super strength that allows him to throw aliens across rooms, pull pipes out of stoves, and dent metal, He’s also technically immortal, and has an immunity to pain.

Is Ward a bad guy?

4 Ward: His Match Against Coulson When Ward truly embraced his villainy, he targeted Coulson specifically. Every chance he had to get under Coulson’s skin, he took. … Again, Ward’s storyline as a villain became more personal to the audience as a result.

Is Fitz in Season 7 of agents of shield?

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD has left fans scratching their heads throughout season seven over the sudden absence of Leopold Fitz (Iain de Caestecker), who was missing throughout the show’s final series. … That was how we answered that in our minds, and on the show.”

Is the real SHIELD bad?

Thankfully, they’re not bad guys, but they do seem to be working for someone who isn’t happy that Coulson is in charge. Mack calls it the “real” SHIELD, formed from the ruins of the old organization, and they’ve got a fancy new logo to prove it. … The organization was formed after the events of The Winter Soldier.

Does Mack become Ghost Rider?

Mack Has A New Mission On ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ took an artistic turn, with scenes shown twice, once from the POV of characters in the living dimension, and from the POV of those between dimensions. Still, most surprising was that Mack became Ghost Rider on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. — if only for a little while.