What happened between rhaegar and Lyanna?

Most in Westeros believed that Rhaegar had kidnapped Lyanna, who was betrothed to Robert Baratheon, and raped her, but they had in fact loved each other. They ran away to Dorne and lived in the Tower of Joy. They are the true parents of Jon Snow (born Aegon Targaryen), who is the true heir to the Iron Throne.

Who killed Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark?

Robert Baratheon

Rhaegar was popular with the smallfolk during his lifetime, but he died in Robert’s Rebellion which was triggered in part by his abduction of Lyanna Stark. He was slain in single combat by Robert Baratheon at the ruby ford during the Battle of the Trident.

How long were rhaegar and lyanna together?

As we know from rumor and some green sight from the show, Rhaegar and Lyanna spend about three months hooking up/marrying and wandering their way south through the Riverlands, Crownlands, Reach, Stormlands and finally end up in Dorne at the Tower of Joy. All of this they do in secret.

How did Lyanna and Rhaegar fall in love?

Lyanna was the “Knight of the Laughing Tree,” a secret Rhaegar learned and kept for her safety. And he fell in love with her for it, as she fell in love with him. It’s why she stole away with Rhaegar a short time later, and why he had the Kingsguard protect her during Robert’s Rebellion.

Who is Jon Snow’s twin sister?

Valerie Targaryen

With Valerie Targaryen who is still adjusting to finding out she is the twin sister to Jon Snow as well as the secret daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. At the Dragonpit where the meeting of the most powerful people in Westeros gathers to meet.

Did Robert really love Lyanna?

Throughout Game of Thrones, Robert professed his love for Lyanna to her brother and his best friend Ned Stark (Sean Bean). … Judging by her marriage to Rhaegar, Lyanna didn’t have feelings for Robert and it was simply unrequited love on his part.

Is Daenerys Jon’s aunt?

Here’s everything you need to know about Jon and Daenerys’ relationship. One of the great revelations in season seven was that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. This means that Daenerys is Jon’s aunt – since Rhaegar is the older brother of Viserys and Daenerys.

Why is Daenerys immune to fire but not viserys?

In the books, Daenerys is not immune to fire. The event in which the dragon eggs hatched was magical, according to George R.R. Martin. … From this we can conclude that both Viserys and Daenerys were not dragons, and not completely immune to fire, they just have high immunity to fire, as well as all other Targaryens.

Is Meera Jon Snow’s sister?

Meera Reed is Jon Snow’s sister – The definitive proof – What this could mean for series 8: gottheories.

Why did Jon Snow’s sword eyes change color?

Though Longclaw was taken from Jon’s dead body, he got it back after returning from the dead. Fans on Reddit stressed that Longclaw’s eyes are just a transparent piece of crystal that fills out when the hand is behind the handle. So the “opened-eyes” effect is just a reflection of Jon’s hand hitting the ice.

Why was Robert so obsessed with Lyanna?

Throughout Game of Thrones, Robert professed his love for Lyanna to her brother and his best friend Ned Stark (Sean Bean). … “Robert leads us to beleive that Lyanna was his one true love and that his marriage was doomed to fail from the beggining, we also know he called Cersei “Lyanna” on his wedding night.

Who killed Lyanna Stark?

Lyanna is buried in the tomb beneath Winterfell. In reality, Lyanna’s death was due to complications after giving birth to her son with Rhaegar. Her death was witnessed by Ned, two handmaidens and possibly Howland Reed.

Why did drogon spare Jon?

Drogon, the finale’s script notes, “wants to burn the world, but he will not kill Jon.” … Because of that, he would have known that she loved Jon until the very end, and that she had been corrupted by the seat of power, and so Jon Snow didn’t deserve to die for killing her in the Game of Thrones series finale.

Did Jon really love Daenerys?

Jon tells Daenerys that he loves her and that she will always be his queen. She challenges Jon if she’s only his queen now. Daenerys tries to re-engage their relationship but, though he gives in at first, Jon again disengages from their physical intimacy due to his unease surrounding their close blood relation.

Why is Jon Snow’s hair black?

Well, a Game of Thrones fan has put that knowledge to good use (by which we mean extremely nerdy use) and made a pedigree chart explaining why Jon Snow’s hair is the black shade of his mother, Lyanna Stark, instead of the Targaryen white-blonde of his father, Rhaegar Targaryen.

Why did Jon Snow’s sword not break?

Jon kills a White Walker with Longclaw. … To the surprise of both Jon and White Walker, the Valyrian steel sword does not break after coming into contact with the White Walker’s ice blade.