What does Harrison Wells do for a living?

2 Answers. He appears to be a quantum physicist, if dialogue lines are an indication: The best are actually found in the first episode: Harrison Wells’ work in quantum theory is light-years ahead of anything they’re doing at CERN.

Who is Harrison Wells IRL?

Eobard Thawne takes the identity of Harrison Wells and spends the next 10 years or so making plans. He is around 45 when Barry Allen is taken into his care. Season 1 wraps up, then Eobard appears in Season 2.

Who is pretending to be Harrison Wells?

Eobard Thawne

The move shouldn’t come as a surprise since Cavanagh has played a different version of Harrison Wells each season. In season 1, he was actually Eobard Thawne pretending to be Harrison Wells, while in season 2 he was Earth-2 Wells.

How smart is Harrison Wells?

Scientists in DC have IQ’s of around 170–200ish. So it’s only logical to conclude that Harrison Wells has an IQ of 270–350 Seeing as how he can casually muster up the technology that the plot requires. And, was one of he first humans to discover dimensional hopping.

Is Harrison Wells a bad guy?

Evil Harrison Wells, played beautifully by Tom Cavanagh, was one of the best super-villains I’ve ever seen, if only because while he was an awful, evil person, you still grudgingly liked him. Even after his villainy was revealed, Barry and Cisco and Caitlin had a hard time not liking him.

What happened to the real Harrison Wells?

Labs’ founder and revealing the particle accelerator in 2013 and causing an explosion responsible for various metahumans’ powers. … In the Earth-Prime timeline, Harrison’s life played out the same and he was still murdered, but he was resurrected through particles left behind after his other doppelgängers’ sacrifice.

Is Dr Wells a bad guy?

He’s also playing DC Character Pariah, who was somewhat responsible for the release of Anti-Monitor. He’s not a bad guy, but he’s very much entangled in the drama between the Monitor and Anti-Monitor, and may be looking for a way to prevent the destruction of multiple worlds.

Is Harrison Wells Good or bad?

Evil Harrison Wells, played beautifully by Tom Cavanagh, was one of the best super-villains I’ve ever seen, if only because while he was an awful, evil person, you still grudgingly liked him. Even after his villainy was revealed, Barry and Cisco and Caitlin had a hard time not liking him.

Is Doctor Wells a bad guy?

He’s also playing DC Character Pariah, who was somewhat responsible for the release of Anti-Monitor. He’s not a bad guy, but he’s very much entangled in the drama between the Monitor and Anti-Monitor, and may be looking for a way to prevent the destruction of multiple worlds.

Is Dr Wells really disabled?

Dr. Wells (Eobard Thawne) pretends to be disabled because he needs to recharge the Speed Force in him. The best way to do that was to pretend to be disabled. It also adds a effect of forgiveness to him from Team Flash and allows him to deceive them more.

Is Eobard Thawne smarter than Barry?

Powers and Skills: Eobard Thawne is capable of doing most of the things and abilities that The Flash/Barry Allen can do and more, like for example; Genius level IQ.

Does the real Harrison Wells come back?

The Flash has officially brought back Harrison Wells from season 1 and it means big things for season 7. The season 7 premiere killed off Harrison “Nash” Wells, the latest iteration of Harrison Wells from a pool of seemingly never-ending doppelgangers.

Did Dr Wells killed Barry’s mom?

Dr. Wells did indeed kill Barry’s mother — a mystery Barry has been investigating since the show’s beginning. But Wells never meant to kill Nora Allen: he went back in time to kill Barry, but he failed and Nora was a casualty. Wells has been stuck in the past (at least for him) ever since.

Is Mr Wells a bad guy?

Evil Harrison Wells, played beautifully by Tom Cavanagh, was one of the best super-villains I’ve ever seen, if only because while he was an awful, evil person, you still grudgingly liked him. Even after his villainy was revealed, Barry and Cisco and Caitlin had a hard time not liking him.

Is Earth 19 Harrison Wells evil?

Earth-19 Wells was selected as the best candidate for the team, and was “vibed” across 18 dimensions by Cisco to be brought to Earth-1. When he arrived, Wells pretended to be evil but revealed that he was just joking, and introduced himself as “H.R.”.

Who is smarter Eobard Thawne or Harry Wells?

Their exact level of intelligence compared to each other is uncertain, but it’s clear Eobard has greater scientific knowledge. He was considered a genius in his time, so being in the past would make his scientific proficient far greater than that of Wells. Well Harry made tech way ahead of it’s time on Earth Two.

What is Oliver Queen’s IQ?

Oliver Queen Personality StatisticsTraitAverage ratingRankresolute (not wavering)79.9183high IQ (not low IQ)79.8574frenzied (not sleepy)79.8229traumatized (not flourishing)79.6187

Who is the fastest speedster ever?

Wally West

Wally West is the Fastest Flash and is arguably the fastest being that has ever existed, as said by Max Mercury—and it has been remarked that Wally and Barry are the only two speedsters that were fast enough to even outrun death itself.