Was Vader going easy on Luke in Return of the Jedi?

First off, you were right in your response to /u/WippitGuud, Vader was most definitely going easy on Luke. Both on Cloud City and the Death Star. The first time was because he wanted to convince Luke that joining him and overthrowing the Emperor was the right thing to do.

What is Luke’s rank in Return of the Jedi?

As a commander, Luke Skywalker wore a 3-blue rank badge with the double-dot row at the bottom.

Why does Luke have both hands in Return of the Jedi?

At the end of The Empire Strikes Back, Luke received a replacement hand — which has the look of a natural limb — as a friendly reminder of his incomplete training and the consequences of not heeding Master Yoda’s advice.

What were Yoda’s last words to Luke Skywalker?

But Yoda is ready to pass away due to old age, so he lies down on his bed. Yoda’s dying words are to Luke, saying, “Luke, there is another Sky- Skywalker…” Yoda is referring to Leia Organa, Luke’s twin sister, who may also bring hope to the galaxy if Luke should fail.

Why was Vader so weak in ROTJ?

The reason Vader looks so weak in ROTJ is because, quite frankly, they didn’t have the technology, budget or even training to make a fight scene that actually measured up anywhere close to the prequels. It’s the downside of having the original trilogy filmed so long before the prequels.

Did Luke use the dark side to defeat Vader?

I believe the simple question to your answer is yes, Luke did use the dark side of the force to defeat Vader..but like so many things in Star Wars, it’s true….from a certain point of view. Luke is clearly on the fence, in RotJ.

Who is the strongest Jedi?

Rey Skywalker is the strongest Jedi in the Star Wars universe! The granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine possesses Force abilities of vision, telepathy, healing, and other elemental Force powers. Mentored by Luke Skywalker, Rey is a self-taught mechanic and pilot.

Who killed Darth Vader?

Vader didn’t want to see his son die, and so he grabbed Palpatine and threw him down a shaft. However, when he was doing this, Palpatine zapped Vader with some force lightning too, and soon after, Vader died in Luke’s arms.

Did Anakin and Luke lose the same hand?

Anakin got a robotic one because replacement-hand making technology (in-universe) wasn’t that good, but film-making technology (in reality) was very advanced. For Luke, he got a realistic hand for the opposite reasons.

Who killed Yoda’s master?

Father Time murdered Yoda in his sleep. Finally got you after 900 years, you Sesame Street reject! Yoda knew he was screwed…But he got the last laugh.

Why did Yoda burn tree?

Yoda burned it down because he was hammering in what Luke already knew — the Jedi of the past sucked, but that doesn’t mean the order is useless, it means it needs to be reformed. He didn’t say there were other copies, he said that she has what she needs. She stole the only copies.

Why did Vader fight so slow?

He’s not exactly slow, but his injuries and heavy armor made it a necessity that he not waste movement in combat. As such, what seems slow is actually calculated, precise movement. And with how fast jedi and sith can move, it’s saying something that he’d slaughtered a lot of them during his time as a jedi killer.

Did Luke ever join the dark side?

Luke Skywalker was tempted numerous times by the darkness, yet he never turned to the dark side of the Force – at least not in Star Wars canon.

Does Luke struggle with the dark side?

Luke ALWAYS struggled with the Dark Side. … He is given the final test of ‘Take your weapon, give in to your anger, strike me down and join the Dark Side…. and after an internal struggle… Summons his lightsaber, gives in to his anger and strikes at the Emperor…

Is KYLO stronger than Vader?

Originally Answered: Who is stronger, Kylo Ren or Darth Vader? Vader is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH stronger than Kylo Ren. Without his suit, Vader would have had enough power to kill Yoda and the Emperor.

Who killed Padme?

Palpatine already knew how to influence the midichlorians to create life and save people from dying. So, as Anakin was dying from his wounds on Mustafar, the Emperor siphoned the Living Force from Padmé and brought it to Anakin. Thus, she died as he was reborn as Darth Vader.

Did Rey take the Jedi texts?

Did Rey take the Jedi texts in Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Yes she did. We see them near the end of the movie when a drawer on the Falcon is opened and provides a quick glimpse of the books inside. This is also hinted at when Yoda’s force ghost is talking to Luke after starting the fire.