Should I watch Dark Crystal before the Age of Resistance?

If you are someone who is just curious about The Dark Crystal in general, it’s totally fine to jump into Age of Resistance without sampling the movie first. For movie fans, there’s plenty in Age of Resistance that will be familiar and ties in, and the fidelity to Henson’s original vision is really stunning.

Why did Netflix take off the Dark Crystal?

Though Netflix is know to have the majority of its creatives sign contracts that prevent them from taking the show to other networks, the makers of The Dark Crystal may have sign a contract similar to that signed by One Day at a Time, who moved the show to PopTV after being canceled by Netflix.

Is The Dark Crystal OK for kids?

The series doesn’t have a specific rating, but Common Sense Media deemed the original movie appropriate for kids aged 7 and up, so parents with very young children may have to screen the series beforehand to gauge how their kids might react to it.

Does DEET have 2 dads?

Deet’s Proud But Protective Parents. In the series, Deet has two fathers, and in a way, Henderson and Emmanuel are Deet’s two mothers. The two actresses didn’t meet in person until the European premiere of “Age of Resistance” in August, when they bonded over playing the Gelfling.

Can anyone pick up dark crystals?

So far there’s no indication another network may pick up the series now that Netflix is no longer interested in continuing The Dark Crystal saga. As expected, Dark Crystal fans were not pleased with Netflix’s decision. Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, has been cancelled by Netflix after one season.

Why is there no Dark Crystal Season 2?

Why was season 2 of Dark Crystal canceled? One of the reasons would be because of how expensive the series is with 2,500 having worked on the first and likely a similar number going into any second season although as many point out, most of the groundwork for any second season had already been laid.

Why was The Dark Crystal Cancelled?

Because of the pandemic, both the TV & movie industries have been struggling with delays in production & unpredictable changes in safety restrictions. While coronavirus wasn’t presented as a factor, it could’ve contributed to Dark Crystal’s demise.

Is Dark Crystal scary?

Yes, it’s a bit scary, and it might frighten some younger kids, but probably not much more than a particularly spooky episode of a show like Doctor Who. … They were dark!” series voice actor Hannah John-Kamen said. “I was absolutely terrified [of the original film].

Is The Dark Crystal a horror?

The Dark Crystal prequel is a horror about evil billionaires that will scare kids — and that’s the point.

Is Rian Jen’s dad?

This suggests that Brea is Kira’s mother, and Rian is Jen’s father. The female gelfling in Kira’s memory has eye and hair color similar to Brea.

What Gelfling clan is Jen?


Jen was a male Gelfling who was raised by the urRu after his clan was destroyed during the Garthim War. One of the last of his kind, he was tasked by urSu to retrieve the Shard of the Division from Aughra, thus putting an end to the tyranny of the Skeksis.

Why is there no Dark Crystal season 2?

Why was season 2 of Dark Crystal canceled? One of the reasons would be because of how expensive the series is with 2,500 having worked on the first and likely a similar number going into any second season although as many point out, most of the groundwork for any second season had already been laid.

Is The Dark Crystal Cancelled?

Fans of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance are devastated following Netflix decision to cancel the show after just one season.

Did Netflix cancel Dark Crystal?

Fans of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance are devastated following Netflix decision to cancel the show after just one season. … “We can confirm that there will not be an additional season of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance,” said executive producer Lisa Henson in a statement.

Will there be a season 2 of Dark Crystal age of resistance?

Sadly, despite The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance just recently winning the Emmy for Best Children’s Program, Netflix confirmed on Septem that a season 2 won’t be happening. However, hope was expressed about finding a different way to wrap up the story.

Is The Dark Crystal a good movie?

Executive-produced by Lisa Henson, “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance” is, quite simply, one of the all-time great fantasy epics, as well as the masterwork of puppetry most closely aligned with Jim Henson’s humanistic philosophy since his son Brian helmed 1992’s holiday perennial, “The Muppet Christmas Carol.” It’s …

Is The Dark Crystal violent?

While the series is very much aimed at kids – there’s no extreme violence, bad language, sexual references or the like – some parts of the series could be a little disturbing for younger children, including shots of the puppet characters bleeding (purple blood rather than red, but still), crumbling and rotting away in …

What are the 7 Clans of Gelfling?

Below is a breakdown of the seven Gelfling clans and how the Frouds made them distinct through anatomy and costuming, based on each clan’s culture and environment.
– Grottan Clan. “The Grottan are the cave dwellers. …
– Stonewood Clan. …
– Vapra Clan. …
– Drenchen Clan. …
– Sifa Clan. …
– Dousan Clan. …
– Spriton Clan.

Will Netflix make more Dark Crystal?

There will be no Season 2 for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. Netflix confirmed the cancellation Monday of Jim Henson’s epic fantasy adventure series — a prequel to the original 1982 film — just hours after the series’ win this weekend at the Creative Arts Emmys for Outstanding Children’s Program.

Is Rian Jen’s father?

This suggests that Brea is Kira’s mother, and Rian is Jen’s father. The female gelfling in Kira’s memory has eye and hair color similar to Brea.