Is Wes Annalise’s son Season 3?

Annalise wants to adopt Wes, filling out paperwork to do so. His mom is dead, and so is Annalise’s son, so she thinks the idea makes sense. … Fans have already seen how heartbroken Annalise was to lose her child, after struggling to become pregnant in the first place. But this week’s episode is even more heart-wrenching.

Why did Laurel’s dad want Wes dead?

Once the gang is gone, Frank comes to Laurel to tell her he got a high score (170) on the LSAT and he worked hard to get a good score for her and the baby. … She finally tells Asher that Laurel’s dad killed Wes because he thought Wes was going to rat them all out to Denver.

Did Bonnie have a crush on Sam?

One of these men was Sam, Bonnie’s therapist who happens to be Annalise’s husband. Through flashbacks, it is shown that Bonnie had a complicated relationship with Sam. She regularly stares at him longingly and engaged in a number of flirtatious conversations with him.

Who killed Leila?

Kenny Campbell, who is accused of killing his girlfriend Leila Smith in 2018 appeared before a judge Thursday on charges that he shot into Smith’s home seven months before she was killed. A judge gave him a $100,000 bond Thursday. The delay, because he was serving prison time on federal charges in Florida.