Is Mabel Dipper’s sister?

Mason “Dipper” Pines is a fictional character and one of the two lead protagonists of the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls. … Dipper, along with his twin sister Mabel Pines, stars in every episode of the show.

Is Mabel from Gravity Falls selfish?

Mabel is selfish. She often puts herself before Dipper or assumes that everyone is going to want the same thing she does. She frequently makes impulsive decisions without thinking about how they impact other people. That doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, just that she’s flawed and has some growing up to do.

Who is older Dipper or Mabel?

Mabel Pines (voiced by Kristen Schaal) – The 12-year-old twin sister of Dipper Pines, born 5 minutes before Dipper.

Who is the most hated Gravity Falls?

Gravity Falls: 5 Most Likeable Characters (& 5 Fans Can’t Stand)
– 3 Hate: Robbie Valentino.
– 4 Love: Soos. …
– 5 Hate: Bill Cipher. …
– 6 Love: Grunkle Stan. …
– 7 Hate: Li’l Gideon. …
– 8 Love: Mabel Pines. …
– 9 Hate: Pacifica Northwest. …
– 10 Love: Dipper Pines. Dipper Pines is the main character of the story and he’s a lovable and awkward teenager. …

How old is Soos Ramirez?

22 years old

Soos is 22 years old.

Does Bill like Mabel?

Mabel and Bill are similar in the respect that they both like to have fun (although Bill’s idea of fun is chaos), and Bill has canonically said in Dipper and Mabel’s Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun that he likes Mabel more than Dipper.

Does Stan Love Dipper and Mabel?

Though he reveals in a way that he does love Dipper and Mabel since he does make them fishing hats, meaning that he does want to spend time with them for once.

Is Mabel Pines a good person?

In the end, she doesn’t have to live with sacrifice (Boyz Crazy, Sock Opera). Mabel even selfishly causes the apocalypse by giving Bill the rift. She’s never held responsible for that (Dipper and Mabel vs the Future). The narrative reinforces that Mabel is a good person even when she’s not (The Last Mabelcorn).

Does Wendy like Dipper?

At the end of the episode, Dipper confessed that he has feelings for Wendy. She let him down gently saying that she was too old for him. She also said that their friendship ment a great deal to her and she wanted to remain friends. … I love this show and I really love the characters, especially Stan and Dipper.

What is the scariest Gravity Falls episode?

Top 10 Creepiest moments from Gravity falls
– #9. The Inconveniencing – possessed Mabel. …
– #7. The Hand that Rock the Mabel – Gideon Confronts Dipper. …
– #4. Northwest Mystery Mansion – Bloody Animals. …
– #3. Weirdmaggeddon: Escape from reality – fantasy turn scary. …
– #2. Sock Opera – Bill Possesses Dipper. …
– #1.

Is soos a Jesus?

Jesus “Soos” Alzamirano Ramírez (born J) is an employee and current owner of the Mystery Shack. He was born in Gravity Falls, Oregon. … The tritagonist of Gravity Falls, Dipper and Mabel Pines sometimes include Soos in their adventures.

What is Grunkle Stan’s secret?

However, as the series goes on, he is gradually revealed to hold deeper secrets; in “Not What He Seems” and “A Tale of Two Stans”, it is revealed that for the past thirty years, Stan had secretly been trying to bring his twin brother and the house’s actual owner, the real Stanford Pines, into their world, and that he …

Does Bill Cipher have a brother?

Trivia. William Cipher is also sometimes referred to as Bill’s twin brother or relative, rather than his counterpart. In some stories, William’s full name is Will Rehpic, the literal “reversal” of Bill Cipher’s last name.

Is Dipper in love with Pacifica?

Pacifica Northwest is one of Dipper and Mabel friends, and Dipper’s (non official) new love interest.