Is it Thank God or thanks God?

But if we want to say we’re pleased about something we say ‘Thank God’, with no s on thank. If you say ‘Thanks God’, it sounds funny because it sounds like you’re talking to God directly.

Is it wrong to say thank God?

“Thanks, God” is correct, though very informal. “Thank God!” is correct. It’s a short form of “Let’s all thank God!” or “I thank God”.

How do you express thank God?

Thank You God Quotes
– “Thank you God for everything in my life. …
– “It’s really nice to wake up in the morning realizing that God has given me another day to live. …
– “Thank you, dear God, for this good life, and forgive us if we do not love it enough.” — …
– “Thank you God for giving me the strength to keep going.” —

What means thanks God?

1. to convey feelings of gratitude to. 2. to hold responsible: he has his creditors to thank for his bankruptcy. 3. used in exclamations of relief: thank goodness; thank God.

How do you thank God for prayer?

I am extremely grateful for all of your blessings in my life, Lord. I pray that you remind me of just how blessed I am and that you never allow me to forget to show my gratitude in prayer and returned acts of kindness. Thank you, Lord.

Why do you say thank God?

“Thank God” is a phrase spoken to someone else, suggesting that they are thankful to God for their good fortune. Some Examples: After narrowly avoiding a car while riding his bike, James looked up at the sky and said, “Thank you God!” “Thank god!”, responded Jennifer after hearing that James was unharmed.

What can I say instead of thank God?

What is another word for thank God?fortunatelyhappilyby good fortunethank goodnessthank heavensas luck would have itby happy chancein good timethank the starsby a happy chance

How do I pray to thank God?

I am extremely grateful for all of your blessings in my life, Lord. I pray that you remind me of just how blessed I am and that you never allow me to forget to show my gratitude in prayer and returned acts of kindness. Thank you, Lord.

What is a sentence for thank God?

something you say when you are happy because something bad did not happen: Thank God nobody was hurt in the accident. Oh, there’s my wallet. Thank God.

How do you thank God for all his blessings?

Offer a special prayer of thanks after major blessings. A prayer of thanks after a blessing might be something like: “Heavenly Father, I am so humbled that you have blessed me with the gift of a child. I thank you with my whole heart. Please protect my unborn baby and give me wisdom to be a good parent. Amen.”

How do you thank God for a miracle?

0:003:54Prayer To Thank God For Working Miracles In Your LifeYouTube

What can I use instead of God?

synonyms for god
– almighty.
– creator.
– deity.
– demon.
– divinity.
– father.
– providence.
– totem.

Why is it thank God?

Gratitude is an expression of our freedom that comes from God and God alone. Clearly we give thanks for all the blessings. We also recognize bad things do not come from God, but with God, we do not have to be controlled by those bad events; we go through them.

How do you thank God for healing?

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You God for healing my sicknesses and that of those who are around me in my life. I praise You Lord and I thank You Heavenly Farther for You God are the God that always allow miracles to happen in our lives.

What is God’s real name?

Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, representing the biblical pronunciation of “YHWH,” the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. The name YHWH, consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh, is known as the tetragrammaton.

What are the 72 names of God?

– 1.1 YHWH.
– 1.2 El.
– 1.3 Eloah.
– 1.4 Elohim.
– 1.5 Elohei.
– 1.6 El Shaddai.
– 1.7 Tzevaot.
– 1.8 Yah.

What should I thank God for?

25 Things You Should Thank God For Every Day
– You woke up.
– Your alarm worked.
– Your alarm didn’t work.
– The family you are blessed with.
– The friends you get to care about and who care about you.
– The car starting when you get in it in the morning.
– The car not starting.
– The slow car in front of you when you’re in a rush.

How do you thank God for all the blessings?

A prayer of thanks after a blessing might be something like: “Heavenly Father, I am so humbled that you have blessed me with the gift of a child. I thank you with my whole heart. Please protect my unborn baby and give me wisdom to be a good parent. Amen.”

What is the most powerful prayer for healing?

Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.