Cipher Hunt was an alternate reality game and international scavenger hunt created by animator and voice actor Alex Hirsch based on his animated series Gravity Falls. The goal was to find the real-life statue of the series’ antagonist Bill Cipher which was briefly glimpsed at the end of the series finale.
What exactly is Bill Cipher?
Bill Cipher was a triangular interdimensional demon, formerly existent only in the mindscape before succeeding in gaining access to the real world.
What did Bill Cipher say before he died?
As we all know, against all odds, Bill Cipher was the one to die in the series finale of Gravity Falls (though it was originally intended to be Mabel). As he is being erased inside Stan’s mind, he says a message which, played backwards, says “A X O L O T L! My time has come to burn!
What was McGucket saying backwards?
Trivia (14) McGucket is, like Jobs, working on computers. … After McGucket goes through the portal, he seemingly spouts gibberish. When played backwards, he says, “YROO XRKSVI! GIRZMTOV!” This is a reference to what he says in a flashback in “Society of the Blind Eye.” “YROO XRKSVI!
Does Bill Cipher like Mabel?
Mabel and Bill are similar in the respect that they both like to have fun (although Bill’s idea of fun is chaos), and Bill has canonically said in Dipper and Mabel’s Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun that he likes Mabel more than Dipper.
How do you summon a bill in real life?
Bill Cipher can be summoned by first taking a picture of your victim and cross out the eyes. Then you put 8 candles around the picture in a circle then say the following spell: “Triangulum, entangulum. meteforis dominus ventium.