Is Bill Cipher real from Gravity Falls?

Statue of Bill Cipher was found in a forest in Reedsport, Oregon. … Cipher Hunt was an alternate reality game and international scavenger hunt created by animator and voice actor Alex Hirsch based on his animated series Gravity Falls.

Can you really summon Bill Cipher?

To summon Bill Cipher, one needs a picture of one’s intended victim. The eyes must be crossed out and the picture must be surrounded by eight candles in a circular formation. Then the following incantation must be recited: “Triangulum, Entangulum. … One eye opens and it turns into Bill’s normal appearance.

Is Bill Cipher a bad guy?

Bill Cipher is the main antagonist of Gravity Falls. He is a Dream-Demon with mysterious motives and seems to have a vendetta against the Pines family, especially his old rival Stanford Pines.

What cipher is used in Gravity Falls?

Caesar Cipher

Caesar Cipher The very first and most commonly cipher used in Gravity Falls is what’s known as the Caesar Cipher. Other common names for the Caesar Cipher are Caesar’s code, Caesar shift, and shift cipher.

What does McGucket say backwards?


After McGucket goes through the portal, he seemingly spouts gibberish. When played backwards, he says, “YROO XRKSVI! GIRZMTOV!” This is a reference to what he says in a flashback in “Society of the Blind Eye.” “YROO XRKSVI!

What did Bill Cipher say when he died?

As we all know, against all odds, Bill Cipher was the one to die in the series finale of Gravity Falls (though it was originally intended to be Mabel). As he is being erased inside Stan’s mind, he says a message which, played backwards, says “A X O L O T L! My time has come to burn!

Why does Bill Cipher talk backwards?

As he is being erased inside Stan’s mind, he says a message which, played backwards, says “A X O L O T L! … In-universe: Bill was just trying to compose himself by convincing himself that he would return, even though he knew he wouldn’t, as his powers weren’t working inside Stan’s mind while it was being erased.