How does Jane Foster become Thor?

Taika Waititi’s film is set to borrow Jane’s transformation from the comics, with the astrophysicist wielding Mjolnir and being gifted with the same powers as her old boyfriend. … Jane then picks it up and – boom – a new Thor is born.

How did Jane Foster die?

Jane Foster’s “worthiness” took the form of becoming Thor before dying of terminal cancer, sacrifice herself because she knew the world needed a god of thunder. Tragically, every time she transformed, the hammer’s magic negated the effect of her chemotherapy.

Do Thor and Jane Foster marry?

Jane Nelson, known by her more common name of Jane Foster, was a nurse for Dr. Donald Blake, eventually developing feelings for him and Thor, not knowing that they were one and the same. … Thor and Sif eventually rescue Foster and return her to Earth, where she marries Dr. Keith Kincaid.

Is Jane Foster Thor’s love interest?

Jane Foster is a supporting character in the Thor Marvel comics and one of Thor’s love interests.

Why did Jane dump Thor?

It could be inferred, from the last movie in this franchise, that she broke up with Thor due to him frequently being off world. Maybe instead, she ended their relationship to stop him from blaming himself for what happened to her, sparing him any further pain from her eventual death.

Why did Jane Foster leave Thor?

Once free of the Aether, Foster returned to work and Thor had decided to remain on Earth with her. Due to her work studying of the Convergence, Foster was being considered for the Noble Prize in astrophysics. Following the Ultron Offensive, Foster ended her relationship with Thor.

Why did Jane Foster dump Thor?

It could be inferred, from the last movie in this franchise, that she broke up with Thor due to him frequently being off world. Maybe instead, she ended their relationship to stop him from blaming himself for what happened to her, sparing him any further pain from her eventual death.

Does Sif hate Jane Foster?

It was made obvious in Sif’s scenes with Thor that she held long-lasting, unrequited feelings for him. Considering that Thor was in love with Jane, Sif never acted on them. Sif being secretly jealous of Jane is right in line with the comics.

Which movie did Jane dump Thor?

Scene Discussion #153 – Jane dumped Thor | Fandom. Continuing the “Scene Discussion” is the reveal in Ragnarok that Jane Foster broke up her relationship with Thor, of which he had differing views on how it played out.

Why was Jane Foster not in endgame?

In Iron Man, Stark was introduced as a conceited genius billionaire, who not only worked alone but for himself. … Alternatively, one possible reason Foster wasn’t brought back properly within Endgame may be because her story after Thanos’ snap couldn’t have been done justice if told alongside Stark’s story.

What did Nick Fury say to Thor?

It wasn’t until 2016’s Unworthy Thor #5, by Jason Aaron, Olivier Coipel, Kim Jacinto and Pascal Alixe, that Thor finally revealed that the words Fury had said to him were simply, “Gorr was right.”

Will Jane Foster replace Thor?

It was previously announced that fans will be treated to a new a Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder. Marvel Studios confirmed that Natalia Portman’s Jane Foster will lift Mjolnir in the new Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. Fans were thrilled to learn the actress’s upgraded role in the Taika Waititi directorial.

Who is Thor’s true love?


Jane is Thor’s love interest. She is an astrophysicist. Jane appeared in most Thor micro-episodes and in the films. In the films, she, along with Erik Selvig and her assistant Darcy, takes Thor to a hospital after he first lands in New Mexico after his banishment.

Why does Sif hate Loki?

The loop in Loki episode 4 shows why Sif simply couldn’t stand Loki no matter what he did, good or bad, as she was the subject of too many of his pranks, of which most (as seen in the loop scenario) bordered on cruel.

Why does Jane dump Thor?

It could be inferred, from the last movie in this franchise, that she broke up with Thor due to him frequently being off world. Maybe instead, she ended their relationship to stop him from blaming himself for what happened to her, sparing him any further pain from her eventual death.

Is Groot worthy of Mjolnir?

Thor’s hammer Mjolnir was defined by the fact that only the ‘worthy’ could lift it – so basically no-one except the god of thunder (and Vision, for some reason). But when it comes to the weapon’s replacement, Stormbreaker – which Thor forges in Avengers: Infinity War – Groot is able to lift it too.

Does Thor still love Jane?

Jane Foster Will Play Mighty Thor In Love & Thunder Until now, the MCU had principally treated Jane Foster as nothing more than Thor’s love interest. This was neatly symbolized by the dismissive manner in which her absence was explained away in Thor: Ragnarok, with the Odinson simply saying they broke up off-screen.

Does Thor love Jane?

She found Thor after he was banished from Asgard and fell to Earth while she and her team were in New Mexico studying astronomical anomalies. She helped him in his mission to return to Asgard, eventually falling in love with him along the way.