Does the Hulk marry Black Widow?

The Hulk and Black Widow are paired together in Marvel Comics, but never in the form of a relationship. … Many have asked why the two never hooked up in the comics, and the reason is largely in part to Natasha always being in a relationship. Black Widow has dated more than a few MCU characters.

What does Black Widow do to Hulk?

As seen in Infinity War, Hulk and Bruce seem to be able to communicate and understand each other on some base level. Natasha uses that in combination with her relationship with Bruce to calm the Bruce inside of Hulk down, which then calms Hulk down, reverting back to Bruce Banner. That seems to be it.

Why did Hulk leave Natasha?

However on a more serious note, he wanted to be with Natasha, but he can’t because he knows his alter personality Hulk would never allow. He considers himself a monster. That is why he departed in the Quinjet to keep Natasha safe from getting endangered.

Does Black Widow Kiss Hulk?

During Avengers: Age of Ultron, one of the most prominent subplots among the Avengers team was the budding romance between Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner. Not only was Black Widow the only person able to lull the Hulk back into his human form, but the two spent much of the film flirting and even shared a kiss.

Who is Black Widow married to?

Black Widow’s first romantic relationship was with a soldier named Nikolai, who she met while both were serving with the Russian Army during WWII. There is no backstory for the young soldier, but Natasha and Nikolai fell in love and were eventually married.

Is Black Widow in love with Hawkeye?

While never explicitly stated in the films leading up to Avengers: Endgame, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton have a romantic connection in their relationship, though they couldn’t consummate it for various reasons. … In the comics as well as the films, Hawkeye and Black Widow worked together as S.H.I.E.L.D.

Did Hulk and Natasha date?

Among those developing relationships was a romance between Widow and the Hulk, in which Natasha flirts with Bruce and takes up a role as the only one able to soothe his savage alter-ego. In a now-infamous scene, the two connect through perceived flaws when Natasha reveals her inability to bear children.

Can Natasha Romanoff get pregnant?

We know that the Russian-born Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) was trained as a spy/assassin in a secretive academy known as the Red Room, which disguised itself as a ballet school. All the “Black Widows” were sterilized, so Natasha is unable to bear children.

Does Captain America love Black Widow?

Curiously enough, there’s never really been a romantic relationship between Black Widow and Steve Rogers in the comics – but one of Natasha’s main romances is actually with Bucky Barnes, who became Steve’s successor as Captain America.

Who is Natasha Romanoff boyfriend?

Bucky Barnes is one of the few figures who, while coming from the Red Room, Natasha trusts and cherishes. They first develop a romantic relationship when Barnes trains her as his Winter Soldier persona in the Red Room, though they are eventually split by their superiors.

Did Bucky and Natasha date?

But in most of the comics that include both Black Widow and the Winter Soilder, they share a romantic bond. … It is here that Natasha, who went by Natalia at the time, and Bucky formed a romance and showed each other that they were more than weapons for a country and realized that they were able to live free lives.

Is Natasha in love with Clint?

While never explicitly stated in the films leading up to Avengers: Endgame, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton have a romantic connection in their relationship, though they couldn’t consummate it for various reasons. … In the comics as well as the films, Hawkeye and Black Widow worked together as S.H.I.E.L.D.

Does Black Widow love Hawkeye or Hulk?

Were Hawkeye and Black Widow in love? While never explicitly stated in the films leading up to Avengers: Endgame, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton have a romantic connection in their relationship, though they couldn’t consummate it for various reasons.

Did Steve and Natasha have a baby?

Next Avengers In the Earth-10943 and Earth-555326 universes, after Earth’s Mightiest Heroes brought peace all over the world and were finally free to live normal lives, Steve and Natasha decided to live that life together as they fell in love with one another and had a son they named James Rogers.

Did Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff have a baby?

History. James Rogers was the son of Captain America and Black Widow.

Does Natasha Romanoff have a child?

Natasha can’t have children. “In the Red Room where I was trained, where I was raised, they have a graduation ceremony,” said Romanoff. “They sterilize you.” Romanoff tells Banner the procedure is carried out because it’s “one less thing to worry about” while on a mission.

Who does Natasha Romanoff married?

Alexei Shostakov

The KGB arranged a marriage between Natasha and the renowned Soviet test pilot Alexei Shostakov.

Did Bucky know Natasha?

As revealed later in their canon, not only were Bucky and Natasha both taken in and spun around by the Red Room, but in fact, Bucky trained Natasha. Marvel readers discovered this part of the characters’ continuity in the Winter Soldier run penned by Ed Brubaker and drawn by Michael Lark.

Who is black widow married to?

Black Widow’s first romantic relationship was with a soldier named Nikolai, who she met while both were serving with the Russian Army during WWII. There is no backstory for the young soldier, but Natasha and Nikolai fell in love and were eventually married.