Does Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd get together?

Before his death in 2015, Derek was happily married to his longtime partner and wife Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo). The couple had three children together.

What happens to Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd?

Many Grey’s Anatomy fans know that Meredith’s heart beat for Derek. … Derek died in season 11, and Meredith moved on. That said, viewers got to watch a MerDer reunion in season 17. In the Grey’s Anatomy Season 17 premiere, Meredith contracted the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Is Meredith’s third baby Derek’s?

Here’s how everyone changed during the course of the episode. Meredith: Following in her mother’s footsteps, she takes off with the kids. After being MIA for months, viewers see her again on Christmas, where she’s revealed to be pregnant. It turns out that her last romp with Derek produced the couple’s third child.

Are Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd legally married?

So they wrote out their vows to each other and called it their wedding. “[We promise] to love each other, even when we hate each other,” Meredith and Derek said. “Nobody walks out, no matter what happens. … Meanwhile, Meredith and Derek were legally married in Grey’s Anatomy Season 7 Episode 20.

Who has Meredith slept with?

Meredith Grey. Meredith sleeps with Derek before she realizes that he’s her boss. At the beginning of Season 1, she thwarts his advances but finally gives in.

Who married Meredith after Derek?

Meredith GreySpouseDerek Shepherd ​ ​ ( m. 2009; died 2015)​Significant otherFinn Dandridge (ex-boyfriend) Nathan Riggs (ex-lover) Andrew DeLuca (ex-boyfriend, deceased)ChildrenZola Grey-Shepherd Derek Bailey Shepherd Ellis Shepherd

Did Meredith have a baby after Derek died?

As we all know, our beloved Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) died during the April 23 episode of Grey’s Anatomy. But did you know that Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) was pregnant with Derek’s baby when her husband passed away? … It wasn’t until Meredith gave birth to baby Ellis that Alex saw his friend again.

Does Meredith marry DeLuca?

Meredith and DeLuca got together in Grey’s Anatomy Season 15. As with most couples, MerLuca progressed their relationship. And eventually, Meredith realized she was in love with DeLuca. That said, DeLuca struggled with his mental health throughout Grey’s Anatomy Season 16.

Does Meredith find love after Derek dies?

William (played by Scott Elrod) was the first man Mer dated after the passing of Derek, so it was tragic for everyone. After avoiding him for quite a bit, they finally started dating and eventually did the deed.

Who is Meredith’s baby daddy?

Derek Bailey Shepherd is the only son of Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd.

Who did Alex cheat on Izzie with?

However, the two later go on to begin a friendship, and then a romance. Alex experiences sexual dysfunction with Izzie and cheats on her with nurse Olivia Harper (Sarah Utterback).

What season does Derek cheat on Meredith?

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Recap: Derek Cheating On Meredith? — Season 11 Episode 15 | TVLine.