Did Liara sleep with Feron?

She never gave in to her feelings for Feron and instead stayed loyal to Shepard, even when the commander was dead. And across the entire trilogy, she never dates or sleeps with anyone else. Ever. … Liara had a chance to move on and find happiness with Feron and instead still chose Shepard.

Should I romance Jack or Liara?

I never liked Liara as much as the fanbase in general seems to, at least as a romance. I’d definitely go for Jack, but that’s just me. However, if you choose Liara, unlike Jack you get to have her around for the whole of ME3, which is a plus, although the Citadel DLC evens it out a little.

Can you romance Liara in Mass Effect 3 if you didn’t in Mass Effect 1?

Liara is again available for a male or female Shepard and, unlike other popular romance options like Tali’Zorah vas Normandy or Garrus Vakarian, even if Shepard romanced someone else in Mass Effect 1 or Mass Effect 2, she is still an available option in Mass Effect 3, provided Shepard has broken things off with the …

Who is the most popular romance in Mass Effect?

1. Jack. You’ll have a hard time getting Mass Effect fans to agree on the game’s best romance option, but the fact that most of them will probably agree that Jack is, at least, one of the most interesting romance options in the game is a testament to the overall quality of this storyline.

What happens if you cheat on Liara in Mass Effect 2?

If Shepard decides to break up with their new partner, the picture will turn back up. Additionally, in regards to Liara, if Shepard chooses to stay faithful to Liara throughout Mass Effect 2, they’ll look at Liara’s picture as the Normandy goes through the Omega 4 Relay.

What happens if you cheat on Liara in Mass Effect 3?

This seems to have no effect on Liara later on, and Shepard can continue onto Mass Effect 3 to romance her, however, Shepard will be forced to choose between their love interests during the third game. Breaking up with certain characters in Mass Effect 3 can significantly impact their stories for the worse.

What accent does Tali have?

Tali is very loyal to the fleet, and her voice actress Liz Sroka describes her as willing to sacrifice her life for it. Sroka uses an accent described as “unidentifiable pseudo-Eastern European, quarian Gypsy” to voice the character.

Can humans and Turians have children?

Like humans, Turians are viviparous in that they don’t lay eggs. Instead, they gestate their young and then give birth to live young after the gestation period.

What rank is Shepard?

Starting from Mass Effect 1, Shepard is ranked as Lt. Commander, and is reinstated at the rank of Commander in Mass Effect 3 officially through an email from Hackett (fictional rank or whatever).

Does Tali ever show her face?

Tali’s face was eventually shown at the end of Mass Effect 3 to those who romanced the character via a picture in Shepard’s cabin. … Tali still has a human-looking face (except for the all white eyes), which I reckon will disappoint some who had hoped for a more alien look. Tali is an alien, after all!

Can Femshep romance Tali?

As male Shepard you can romance the following characters: Tali’Zorah vas Neema. Miranda Lawson. Jack.

Can a human and a quarian reproduce?

Nope. Quarians have dextro amino acids, whereas we have levo. That means that the is a difference in chirality such that every single protein functional in a human would not be producible by a quarian cell and vice versa. A cell could not produce both kinds of amino acids because they are mutually exclusive.

Can humans and turians?

Palaven has a climate similar to Earth’s with many of the biomes being almost tropical and humid. But humans are advised not to go outside without their suits while on Palaven. The human body cannot handle the radiation levels on Palaven as the Turians have evolved to.

Is kaidan a higher rank than Shepard?

Kaidan is indeed higher ranked than Shepard.

Do Tali and Garrus get together?

It happens as long as you don’t lock in with Tali or Garrus in ME3. You can romance either of them in 2 and even continue the romance with Garrus until the lock-in point in 3.

Can Femshep romance Tali in Legendary Edition?

In Mass Effect 2, your relationship from ME1 will be imported, and Shepard will keep a photo of them on their desk. … Male Shepard can romance Miranda, Tali, or Jack. Female Shepard can date Jacob, Garrus, or Thane.