Did Joan Jett have a bad reputation?

Being a punk rocker also was trouble in 1979. The new-wave thing was coming in. Joan did have a bad reputation, which might have been thought of as a rock ‘n’ roll reputation if she had been a guy. In June ’79, Joan and I were walking in Manhattan when Joan complained about not being signed to a label yet.

Why did Joan Jett write bad reputation?

Historian Kathleen Kennedy wrote that “Joan Jett penned these lyrics as a defiant reply to what she understood as the different codes of conduct applied to male and female rock performers.” But the song wasn’t meant to correct people’s incorrect assumptions of who she was, it was Jett’s assertion that she wasn’t going …

Who Joan Jett dated?

Joan Jett and Chuck Zito dated in 2001.

How old is Joan Jett now?

62 years (Septem)

Joan Jett/Idade

What movie is bad reputation by Joan Jett in?

Urgh! A Music War

Bad Reputation/Filme

When was bad reputation by Joan Jett released?

Bad Reputation (álbum)/Lançamento

Is Joan Jett sick?

One night she became very sick, sweating profusely, and was rushed to the hospital. Kerslake said it was luck that Jett survived. The rocker was told she had a serious heart infection.

Where does Joan Jett live now?



Joan Jett/Lugares de residência

What gender is Joan Jett?

She’s not a quiet revolutionary — listening to any of her songs makes that clear — but she’s a woman who, while bristling against being defined by her gender foremost, made a space for others like her to grow and thrive.

When did Joan Jett Bad reputation come out?


Bad Reputation/Data de lançamento

What is having a very bad reputation?

What does infamous mean? Having a bad reputation, disreputable; notoriously bad, unpleasant or evil; widely known, especially for something bad.