Did Ian McKellen play Gandalf and Dumbledore?

Sadly, the actor passed away after filming the second movie and a new Dumbledore had to be found. There was a rumor that Sir Ian McKellen was offered the role but turned it down, so it then went to Michael Gambon. Well, it turns out the rumors aren’t true. McKellen never did turn down the role.

Did Ian McKellen play Gandalf?

Ian McKellen gained A-list Hollywood fame all at once when he was cast as X-Men villain Magneto in the early Fox/Marvel film and scored the role of Gandalf in Peter Jackson’s revered Lord of the Rings trilogy, and later reprised the latter role in the series’ prequels.

Did Ian McKellen play Gandalf in all movies?

McKellen brings Gandalf, the wise wizard, to life in all six of these films. Out of the extensive cast used in those movies, McKellen is only one of two actors to have appeared in all of them–Cate Blanchett is the other.

Was Ian McKellen a good Gandalf?

Yes. Ian McKellen has portrayed the character of Gandalf beautifully. Not only did he provide a fabulous performance as Gandalf the Grey but also as Gandalf the White. Going through the books, we realize that Gandalf was a man with a personality, composed of several layers.

Who would win in a fight Gandalf or Dumbledore?

Gandalf would beat Dumbledore in a fight between the two, but Dumbledore is more powerful in comparison to his respective world. Gandalf wouldn’t be able to beat Sauron at his full power, but Dumbledore would crush Voldemort any day.

Who is the weakest wizard in Harry Potter?

Gilderoy Lockhart

10 Gilderoy Lockhart He manipulates, lies, and cheats to seem strong and special, but he can’t even deal with some pixies on his own. He’s probably the weakest wizard that Harry ever encounters.

Who was the first Gandalf?


: The Lord of the Rings and X-Men While filming the first X-Men film in 1999, McKellen was cast as the wizard Gandalf in Peter Jackson’s film trilogy adaptation of The Lord of the Rings (consisting of The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King), released between 20.

Who is stronger Gandalf or Saruman?

After careful consideration, we can reach the conclusion that Gandalf is more powerful. It is said by Galadriel that he is even stronger than Saruman even in his weaker, grey form. As Gandalf the White, he defeated Saruman and showed his real strength. … Saruman also had greater status than Gandalf.

Who is stronger Hermione or Draco?

However, if a duel between Draco and her took place in the field, Hermione would win. In situations of actual danger, she reacts rather than thinks. One way to explain the unevenness of Hermione’s dueling is to compare it to an athletic endeavor, such as fielding a baseball.

Who is richer Draco or Harry?

Although Harry is rich, with his net worth coming to around 2.6 million dollars in muggle money, it is nothing compared to the enormous amount of 1.6 billion dollars that make up Draco’s net worth.

Who is the most powerful person in Middle-earth?

Answer by Stephen Tempest: God is the most powerful entity in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe. The Elvish name for him is actually Eru Ilúvatar, meaning “the one, father of all.” So the question becomes: Who is the second-most powerful being?

Who is the most powerful person in LOTR?

10 Strongest Beings in ‘The Lord of the Rings’
– #8 The Balrog. …
– #7 The Witch King of Angmar. …
– #6 Aragorn. …
– #5 Galadriel. …
– #4 Saruman. …
– #3 Tom Bombadil. …
– #2 Sauron. …
– #1 Gandalf. So I know this one is a bit of a curve ball, but I think that Gandalf is the greatest being during the trilogy of the Lord of the Rings.

Why did Gandalf fear the Balrog?

Lord of the Rings: Why Balrogs Scared Even the Wildly Powerful Gandalf. … Gandalf managed to defeat the balrog in part because of his own inherent power, but mostly because he wears one of the three rings of power that belonged to the elves, forged in the second age by Celebrimbor, leader of the elves of Eregion.

What did Gandalf see when he died?

What happened to Gandalf when he died? When Gandalf died, his divine being left his set physical form, and about 20 days later, he was returned to life. “Darkness took me;” he says to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli in The Two Towers, “and I strayed out of thought and time, and I wandered far on roads that I will not tell.

Who is more powerful than Gandalf?

5 SARUMAN THE WHITE He was more powerful than Gandalf at these stages, but his study of dark magic turned him to support Sauron. However, before he turned to the dark forces, he was a very powerful wizard. His magic is on display especially during his duel with Gandalf.

Who’s stronger Saruman or Gandalf?

After careful consideration, we can reach the conclusion that Gandalf is more powerful. It is said by Galadriel that he is even stronger than Saruman even in his weaker, grey form. As Gandalf the White, he defeated Saruman and showed his real strength. … Saruman also had greater status than Gandalf.