Como conjugar o verbo Teach?

Conjugação do verbo “to teach”
– Present. I. teach. you. teach. …
– Present continuous. I. am teaching. you. …
– Simple past. I. taught. you. …
– Past continuous. I. was teaching. you. …
– Present perfect. I. have taught. you. …
– Present perfect continuous. I. have been teaching. you. …
– Past perfect. I. had taught. you. …
– Past perfect continuous. I. had been teaching. you.

Qual o presente simples de Teach?

teachIteachyouteachhe, she, itteachesweteachyouteachMais 1 linha

Qual é o passado do verbo irregular think?

The verb of the day is: think. Pensar. Past. Thought.

Qual o particípio de Teach?

Assim, na escrita é possível encontrarmos TEACHT. Para o past participle, é também possível encontrarmos pessoas falando ou escrevendo TAUGHTEN.

Qual o passado de drink?

PastIdrankyoudrankhe/she/itdrankwedrankyoudrankMais 1 linha

Qual o presente simples do verbo na terceira pessoa do singular to go?

Quando os verbos terminam em o, sh, ch, ss, z ou x, acrescentamos “es” à sua forma singular da terceira pessoa. Exs.: go/goes (ir); wash/washes (lavar); watch/watches (assistir); pass/passes (passar); buzz/buzzes (zumbir); fix/fixes (arrumar).

Qual é o passado de think?

PastIthoughtyouthoughthe/she/itthoughtwethoughtyouthoughtMais 1 linha

Como conjugar o verbo think no passado?

– I had been thinking.
– you had been thinking.
– he had been thinking.
– we had been thinking.
– you had been thinking.
– they had been thinking.

Qual o past Participle de Teach?

Assim, na escrita é possível encontrarmos TEACHT. Para o past participle, é também possível encontrarmos pessoas falando ou escrevendo TAUGHTEN.

Como conjugar o verbo to get?

Conjugação do verbo “to get”
– Present. I. get. you. get. …
– Present continuous. I. am getting. you. are getting. …
– Simple past. I. got. you. got. …
– Past continuous. I. was getting. you. …
– Present perfect. I. have got. you. …
– Present perfect continuous. I. have been getting. you. …
– Past perfect. I. had got. you. …
– Past perfect continuous. I. had been getting. you.

Como fica Get No Past Participle?

Participle. Got ou gotten. … Já gotten é o participle nos estados unidos, mais usado nos estados unidos.

Qual o past simple de drink?

Como o verbo drink fica no simple past: ( ) drinked ( ) drank ( ) dranked ( ) drink.

Qual é o passado de Fall?

Fell is the past simple of the verb fall: The snow fell all day in big white flakes. He slipped and fell, hurting his leg quite badly.

Como fica o verbo GO no simple present?

to go (ir) – goes.

O que é verbo na terceira pessoa do singular?

c) A terceira pessoa verbal relaciona-se com a terceira pessoa do discurso, expressa pelos pronomes pessoais ele / ela (singular) e eles / elas (plural). Dessa forma, no discurso em terceira pessoa, o verbo possuirá desinências que concordem com a pessoa de quem se fala.

Como conjugar o verbo think?

Conjugação do verbo “to think”
– Present. I. think. think. …
– Present continuous. I. am thinking. you. …
– Simple past. I. thought. you. …
– Past continuous. I. was thinking. you. …
– Present perfect. I. have thought. you. …
– Present perfect continuous. I. have been thinking. …
– Past perfect. I. had thought. …
– Past perfect continuous. I. had been thinking.

Qual o passado do verbo to think?

PastIthoughtyouthoughthe/she/itthoughtwethoughtyouthoughtMais 1 linha

Qual o passado do verbo Tell?

PastItoldyoutoldhe/she/ittoldwetoldyoutoldMais 1 linha