Are Tim Drake and Jason Todd relationship?

In many ways, Jason and Tim are inextricably linked to each other: it was Jason’s death, after all, that prompted Tim to become the third Robin. For much of their published history, they were unacquainted with each other because Jason was dead, and Tim knew him only by reputation.

Did Jason Todd kills Tim Drake?

Todd was driven to prove he was still the best Robin, so he wore a modified version of his old costume and attacked Tim Drake at Titans Tower after taking out the rest of the Teen Titans. The two fought, with Todd beating Drake severely to prove his point.

Is Tim Drake younger than Jason Todd?

Either Jason is actually fifteen when he dies (and Tim was still 13, but almost 14 when he became Robin), or Jason is at least three years older than Tim.

Who does Tim Drake end up with?

Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown burst into Rebirth with their relationship revived and more complicated than ever before. With Tim missing (you can read all about that in DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. 1: RISE OF THE BATMEN) and Steph trying to sort out her place on the team, things are a bit of a mess for them, romantically.

Does Jason Todd turn good again?

Subsequent Batman stories dealt with Batman’s guilt over not having been able to save him. Todd was resurrected in 2005’s “Under the Hood” story arc and became the new Red Hood, an antihero with a willingness to use lethal force and weapons. Since his return, he operates as the Red Hood in current DC Comics continuity.

Why does Damian hate Tim Drake?

Damian Wayne has a huge problem with Tim Drake, mainly due to the face that Tim is Bruce’s adopted son at the time Damian arrives in their lives. At this point, Dick Grayson is Batman and Damian is his Robin while Tim had moved on to become Red Robin. Not the best name choice but he owned it for a while.

How did Jason Todd come back to life?

It is later revealed that Jason indeed had died at the hands of the Joker, but when Superboy-Prime alters reality from the paradise dimension in which he is trapped (six months after his death), Jason is restored to life and breaks out of his coffin (with his bare hands), walked away from the graveyard (approximately …

Who does Tim Drake love?

Stephanie Brown

Stephanie Brown is the love interest of Tim Drake, the third Robin, the third Batman and later, Red Robin from the Batman comics. She started out as Spoiler. She first met Robin in the Batman comics from the 90s and she also begins a romantic relationship with Tim.

Is Tim Drake rich?

Early Life. Timothy Drake was the only son of Jack and Janet Drake and was raised in a wealthy household. … Tim even noticed Grayson’s change of identity to Nightwing and Jason Todd becoming the second Robin.

Did Jason Todd sleep with Starfire?

It turns out, Jason and Starfire didn’t sleep together. They spent the night talking. You could say they bonded in a way that goes beyond a simple physical act.

Who is the smartest Robin?

Termed as the most cunning and strategic Robin, Tim Drake picks his fights from the shadows, much like Batman himself. As Robin, Tim was the first Robin to augment his skills of hacking, biology, forensics, engineering, and genetics.

Does Tim Drake have a love interest?

Stephanie Brown is the love interest of Tim Drake, the third Robin, the third Batman and later, Red Robin from the Batman comics. She started out as Spoiler. She first met Robin in the Batman comics from the 90s and she also begins a romantic relationship with Tim.

Is Tim Drake still dating Stephanie Brown?

However, despite finally being reunited, the pair are ultimately prevented from rekindling their romance. Recently, Tim Drake has been lost in the Multiverse with a new incarnation of Young Justice. This has kept him separated from Stephanie once again, but the team has finally returned to its original dimension.